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Model WCT-120 - Standard Offline Wafer-Lifetime Tool

Product Detail

    Model WCT-120 - Standard Offline Wafer-Lifetime Tool

    The wafer measurement instrument offering the best available calibrated analysis of carrier recombination lifetime. Fully compliant with SEMI Standard PV-13.WCT-120 instruments showcase our unique measurement and analysis techniques, including the highly regarded Quasi-Steady-State Photoconductance (QSSPC) lifetime measurement method developed by Sinton Instruments in 1994.The QSSPC technique is ideal for monitoring multicrystalline wafers, dopant diffusions, and low-lifetime samples. This method complements the use of the transient photoconductance technique that is also standard on this instrument.The QSSPC lifetime measurement also yields the implied open-circuit voltage (versus illumination) curve, which is comparable to an l-V curve at each stage of a solar cell process.

     WCT System Capabilities

    Primary application:Step-by-step monitoring and optimization of a fabrication process.

     Other Applications

    • Monitoring initial material quality
    • Detecting heavy metals contamination during wafer processing
    • Evaluating surface passivation and emitter dopant diffusion
    • Evaluating process-induced shunting using the implied I-V measurement